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Tame your Mind

Centeredness of the being and the doing, bringing balance to the mind. A balanced mind is allowing one to be open to opportunity and learning, and also extending grace to yourself as your learning. When the mind wanders, reign it back on course. What helps you remain focused? Where is your place of peace?

Lets evolve, condition, and apply to become Tamed in the mind and regain control. Lets be aware, intentional on want you want and don’t want, reflect, and then take action to feel Whole.

What helps you keep your mind grounded?


Tame your body

Your body is your temple, it should be essential to make sure you're at good health, you have one body lets make sure we take care of it and stay aware of our mental health. We promote mental health through mental fitness as an avenue to help regain control while ultimately helping you become a better you, rather it be activities like yoga, hiking, skating or other activities.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to regaining balance, what may make you may break someone else, so lets key in on what works for you.

What activities help bring balance mentally and also helps bring your body at a balance?


Tame your spirit

Deal with and then decide, embrace the good and the bad, and living a life full of gratefulness through the midst of it all, this isn’t a easy feature but its possible through experience, work, and having faith. Enlightenment is extremely hard because it comes with fear, destruction, tears etc. Its apart of the spiritual battle.

Everyone’s journey is different, everyone’s faith is different. Its about becoming enlightened and living a life of love, peace, understanding, and gratefulness through it all and living in the now. letting the logical mind co-exist with the intuitive soul. Were human, give yourself grace and know its a everyday battle

whether its through prayer, meditation, reading the word, or taking spiritual trips, what helps you regain yourself spiritually?

Tamed FItness LLC is a brand thoroughly focused on assisting people on bringing balance to the mind, body, and spirit. its a everyday journey and it takes the right people in your circle. we're human and still work too so lets all work on being better versions of ourselves together.

www.TamedFitness.com is still in Construction, thank you so much for your patience and i cant wait for you to see whats in store, in the meantime keep up on our social media

Become apart of the Tamed Fitness team and work towards becoming a better you mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Help us help you become a better you!

β€œTame your mind, Tame your body, Tame your spirit”
— Terron Piedra